Friday, July 26, 2013

Chocolate Malheur with a caramel centre - A quick and easy way to get a chocolate fix... maybe too easy!

It's been a while since my last post even though I have been baking, cooking and trying some delicious things in the past weeks! But I had a special visitor from Down Under and was on holidays, so the posts are coming in a bit delayed now! 

As I said, my boyfriend visited from Australia, we met in Paris and came back to Germany so I could show him my country. In Paris we did try some delicious food, but being back in Hamburg meant we could cook together again. He was in charge of the main course (Salat and chicken, perfect summer meal) and I was making dessert, which meant I could finally try the book (sorry, seems it's only available in German) Zum Dahinschmelzen - Kleine Kuchen mit flüssigem Kern which has been standing in my bookshelf for a while but I never had the chance to make anything.

Only a few ingredients that I usually have at home anyway and quick to make which means it's very tempting to just whip up a couple of these on any night of the week for a quick fix of chocolatey goodness. I have been able to resist so far! 

In any case, this book is definitely making it into the box with cookbooks I'm taking with me when I move in less than three months! Eeeek, it's going so fast! 

The Original Dark Chocolate Malheur with Caramel Centre

2 eggs
50g brown sugar
1 tbsp all-purpose flour
1 tbsp cornstarch
140g dark chocolate
110g butter
3 tbsp cream
4 tbsp caramel or dulce de leche

1. Preheat oven to 200°. Prepare 4 dessert rings by buttering them on the inside, then springle some flour on top or simply use baking paper. Place the rings on a baking tray lined with baking paper. 

2. Mix eggs and brown sugar until they are well combined and have a light consistency. Fold in the sifted flour and starch, then continue mixing.

3. Melt the chocolate together with the butter and cream over a waterbath.

4. Slowly add the chocolate mixture to the egg - sugar- flour mixture and mix until smooth and well combined.

5. Fill the dessert rings to about half, then add a spoonful of caramel before adding more chocolate batter. Bake for about 6-7 minutes. When the cakes are baked they should still feel soft to the touch. Take off the rings and serve immediately.

I think vanilla ice cream goes really well, as these little hip huggers are indeed quite sweet and also hot.

Enjoy and don't hold me responsible for any future temptation to have these for dinner every night! 

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